Covid-19 Safety Protocol
Keeping our staff and our clients safe during this time is paramount, and for this reason, we are outlining below our COVID-19 safety protocols
PPE: All staff will be supplied with masks, gloves, sanitizer, and disinfectant spray. Masks and gloves will be worn at all times. Gloves will be safely discarded and replaced with a new pair for each job.
TRUCKS: Trucks will be cleaned and disinfected after each day.
IN YOUR HOME: Whilst making collections/deliveries, we request clients to wear a mask where possible, whilst also maintaining a 6-foot distance. We ask that a clear path is provided to the site of the collection/delivery, and additional room is provided for packing/unpacking.
PAPERWORK | BOLs: Our Bill of Lading is paperless and signed via hand device at the time of completion. If you prefer not to come in contact with the device, our tech will sign the BOL on your behalf and a copy will be provided to you via email.
WAREHOUSING: Anyone entering our facilities will be required to wear a face mask and gloves at all times. Social distancing will also be enforced where possible. We will also limit staff movement in and out of our facilities, so as to control total warehouse attendance at any one time, allowing 6 feet or more of distance whilst on site.
STAFF & TESTING: Prior to returning to work, all our staffs are required to submit a negative COVID test. These tests will be retaken on a regular basis. Should any staff show signs of sickness, or receive a positive test result, this staff member will be required to quarantine for the remainder of their sickness, for a minimum of 14 days. To reduce staff interactions, our teams are paired to work together for the foreseeable future.
If at any time, our clients, or our staff feel that a job cannot be completed due to safety concerns, we will pause until we can reassess the situation and work on a mutually agreeable plan to proceed. If you, your business or your building have any additional measures/requirements in place, please do let us know, and we’ll do everything we can to accommodate.
– Leandro Safety TEAM.